WARNING: This blog contains conversations about my life. It can be cruel but it's the truth from the way I percive it. I don't always use nice words and sometimes I share a little bit too much. I don't put on a happy face in the midst of hard times because that's what inspires others. If you have an issue please navigate away from this page now.

baby growth

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

IT'S A.....

....GIRL! Sorry for the long break on updates, but we have been very busy as we just moved, again. We paid for a 3D ultrasound since she didn't cooperate at the doctor's office and B has a 72 hour warning of deployment. B's Gma stayed with me while he was out of country from mid January to mid February, so she was there the day after he got home and got to see the ultrasound first hand. It was up to that point, the best day of my life. We have decided to name her Lillian Grace after our great grandmothers.

My hyperemesis has gotten better with the help of a special cocktail of medications. I am greatful to have them or I'd be admitted and on IV nutrition and fluids, but I do feel guilty sometimes. Other than the sickness, I have been to the ER for a little bleeding which was caused from a cyst on my ovary that had tore. The bleeding has stopped and has stayed that way so far. Hopefully, it doesn't come back. According to our 20 week anatomy scan, she is in good health and developing right on track. We are 23 weeks so far. I hope to update again soon.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Now that I'm expecting I should have expected that things couldn't be simple. I have what's called hyperemesis also known as excessive vomiting during pregnancy. YAY. I am over joyed that I even get to experience "morning sickness" however, I wasn't expecting to be hospitalized for it. In a 3 day span I had been to the E.R. twice for dehydration. Most people tell me, "you should eat a couple crackers before you get up", "ginerale helps", and my all time favorite... "make sure you at least sip on some water." UGH! If I could have kept any one of those things down I would most definately wouldn't have ended up in the hospital dumbass! Anywho, I recieved IV fluids and more medications which are FINALLY starting to help. Hopefully this only lasts a few more weeks and I won't be taking so many medications.

Monday, December 26, 2011


I had the damn stick say PREGNANT finally! I don't know how this happeneed because we hadn't started treatment yet. I had the MMR vaccine and was instructed to use back up birth control for the next month and I did as I was told. I ended up pregnant from the intimate time before I had the vaccine. Basically, the baby is a miracle. I am currently 9 weeks today and have already seen and heard the baby on ultrasound. Words cannot explain how happy and scared I am. I feel absolutely blessed. So here's to a happy and healthy baby.

Friday, December 2, 2011

End of the year Madness

It always seems at the end of the year there isn't enough time to do everything. I have yet to start Chirstmas shopping or send out Christmas cards. My DH and I are trying to get all tests done by the end of the year so we can start trying fresh at the beginning of the year. I feel as if our journey to actually getting treatment is taking forever. We will get there eventually and when we do I'm sure I still won't be ready for how unromantic and intrusive it all will be. Anyway, back to the end of the year craziness...DH will have to have surgery to repair his varicocele before the end of the year and we don't even have a date for it yet which kinda freaks me out. I'm scared one day he'll go into work and come home and had the surgery and I won't even know. Seems crazy but it's going to be last minute when he gets the notice that they have an opening and his shop always makes him come into work before an appointment even if it's early in the morning. So, the likelihood that it could happen without me knowing is pretty high. I just want to be there for him when he wakes up from the anesthia. Hopefully I will have more exciting news after the first of the year. I will try and update on how DH's surgery went before then.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I finally had my follow up appointment for my test results on Tuesday. I was not surprised at all with what they revealed. I have high levels of testosterone, my tubes are clear and my uterus is the ideal shape. My ovaries showed many follicles and bam there we have it a definite diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. YAY...NOT! Even as bad as that sounds for fertility, I am happy. I finally have a diagnosis after 4 years of trying to prove to the doctors that something wasn't right.

I will be able to be treated and the possibilities of me never carry a child are low as long as my partner is healthy. Involving my partner is where I run into problems. My DH has what is described as a bag of worms and I went over that in an earlier post. He has had to reschedule his SA for a couple different reasons so we still don't know if DH's condition effects his count.

My infertility doctor believes that his count will be low and if indeed it is we have option A. IUI or option B. IVF. As we all know most insurance companies don't cover IVF and most only cover partial IUI. Let me first say that if given these 2 options, we are planning on trying IUI for 1 year before going to IVF. But, before we made that decision, I did research and found prices for IUI that were around $2000 per attempt and that was way out of our budget and we were looking at a few years to get started trying again. However, at my appointment the doctor informed me that with her and the insurance we have, it would cost around $120 per attempt. I was so excited and happy that I cried right there in the office. I felt like a moron but I couldn't help it.

I had to get the MMR vaccine so that once I am pregnant I am protected and the chances of my baby having defects if I were to get Rubella while pregnant are gone. I am not allowed to start treatments or get pregnant for 4 weeks after getting this vaccine. In the mean time my DH has to go buy condoms for the first time in a 2 years...LOL So, in December I will be put on Metformin and Clomid to get me to ovulate. If IUI is needed, my DH will make his contribution and hopefully we will be blessed with an extra awesome Christmas present. I simply cannot wait for that damn stick to have two pink little lines. =]