WARNING: This blog contains conversations about my life. It can be cruel but it's the truth from the way I percive it. I don't always use nice words and sometimes I share a little bit too much. I don't put on a happy face in the midst of hard times because that's what inspires others. If you have an issue please navigate away from this page now.

baby growth

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Good News Bad News

Just a short update today... The good news is that B finally gets to start his A school on Monday. Only 11 or so weeks and he will be done. =] He said he might have tobe on hold after that though for a while. Not sure what that is all about but I will roll with it I guess. He is supposed to be here for Christmas, hopefully we will find an exact date here soon.

Bad news is that we are not pregnant this time. =[ I guess it just isnt in the cards right now. I am starting a new doctor on Tuesday that will hopefully start being able to tell me once and for all if I will even be able to have kids. Im hoping for good news but expecting the worst. Well thats all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that girl!!! I didn't know there was a chance you couldn't have kids :( Praying for good news!
