WARNING: This blog contains conversations about my life. It can be cruel but it's the truth from the way I percive it. I don't always use nice words and sometimes I share a little bit too much. I don't put on a happy face in the midst of hard times because that's what inspires others. If you have an issue please navigate away from this page now.

baby growth

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Happy Tuesday Everyone! I'm in the last 24 hours before I go see my amazing husband for 8 uninterrupted days. I am so excited I didn't sleep at all last night and I was up at 7am wide awake. I don't leave until tomorrow morning but I am already packed and ready to go.

In order for me to keep a level head today I am taking my sister in law and my nephew out to a very nice park. This park is gorgeous in the fall. I bought Mr. Bradley a new outfit yesterday and I'm going to take some pictures of them together. I will upload them when I am done editing them. But, I am very excited that I get to do this. Michigan is the most beautiful place in the fall. All the trees are half green, half yellow or red. The trees have been changing a while now so it will be perfect. What's awesome is that the fall colors aren't even in their peak yet. Photography is so much fun and I love my little buddy so much that I have to take as many pictures as possible before B and I are out of state for a while. Look for a post with pictures later today! =]


  1. Hi, I am a new follower!! Your pictures are just so cute! you have a precious family
