WARNING: This blog contains conversations about my life. It can be cruel but it's the truth from the way I percive it. I don't always use nice words and sometimes I share a little bit too much. I don't put on a happy face in the midst of hard times because that's what inspires others. If you have an issue please navigate away from this page now.

baby growth

Sunday, September 12, 2010


From the time I was 2 until I was 18 I lived in the same house. In the two years since Ive graduated high school Ive moved 2 times. Im going into year three of being out of high school and Im going on move number three. All I have to say is MOVING SUCKS!!! I dislike it ALOT. Maybe if I were used to it when I was young it wouldn't be as stressful. What makes this move even harder is Ive collected more junk. This is the first little home Ive had that was all my own and I had more space to collect the junk. So the past week or so Ive been packing and organizing and working and had a garage sale to sell a bunch of the older crap that got replaced with newer crap. lol I did well... sold almost every thing. The other thing that makes this move harder than before is that this time Im doing it all alone. I do have a little help from B's grandparents and Aunt Cat but Ive done all the packing alone. And, I have to leave the first place that B and I ever called home together. ='[ I had a moment today when I was packing. Im usually not much for tears but between everything on my plate and the final inspection for the apt. on Tuesday, the apt. is looking a little empty and when I walked into the bedroom for something I just lost it. I couldnt help it. The radio was on and it just so happened that " Temporary Home- Carrie Underwood" came on. I love that song but I cry everytime I hear it. Ok maybe I stretched the truth a little.. I cry alot...more so now than ever. Being a strong woman in this Navy life is WAY easier said than done. Alot of people make it look easy and my question is how do I get to that point where other are jealous of my strength like I am of others? Do the woman who make it look easy really struggle with being strong like I do?

Ive gotten very into Christ lately and Im enjoying reading scriptures on different subjects hoping that the Lord will guide me and make me strong. In the back of my bible there is a list of 60 Character Builders and Id like to share a couple that have helped me.

#9. Courageous

Realizing that God had given me the strength to face and trial or danger.

'Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.'
Deuteronomy 31:6

#36. Patience

Going through a difficult situation with calm endurance and not complaining or losing self-control

'Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield.'
Psalm 33:20

To all of those who possess these characteristics I am jealous. I am working very hard to remember that through Christ anything is possible, even the things I think are impossible for me.

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