WARNING: This blog contains conversations about my life. It can be cruel but it's the truth from the way I percive it. I don't always use nice words and sometimes I share a little bit too much. I don't put on a happy face in the midst of hard times because that's what inspires others. If you have an issue please navigate away from this page now.

baby growth

Friday, September 3, 2010


I recevied the Blogger Buddy Award : )

The Rules:

*thank the person that gave you the award

*list 7 things about you that you haven't revealed to the bloggy-verse as of yet.

* pass them on to the bloggers that deserve them

First the thank you to hewearscombatboots. Its nice being able to share things without being judged. I'm so glad I found this and thats because of you. Thanks.

Now, seven things about me

1. I HATE being alone. Pretty ironic that I married someone in the service and it requires me to be alone all the time.
2. I LOVE the water and I'm really hoping B gets stationed in CA. People call me a fish because all I ever want to do is go swimming.
3. I'm an open book. I dont hide things from anyone. It's making coming up with seven things hard.
4. My favorite book of all time is Tuesdays with Morey. I also love the movie. So insiprational.
5. B and I are obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. We own all 5 sesaons so far and are currently waiting the release of season 6 on DVD and for season 7 to start.
6. I am a worrier. Every little thing causes me to panic and get anxious. I hate that my doctor just laughs at me and tells me I'm young so I don't have anything to worry about.
7. I support gay marrige and I'm also pro choice. I believe in staying out of peoples lives and letting them do what they want.

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